We offer giftcards that you could give to someone you love.
In a nature-rich country such as Norway, one cannot experience nature without culture. Thanks to local communities, enthusiasts, contributors, visitors, you, and me, we can jointly act to preserve nature and cultural heritage. Our vision is to deliver adventures on the premises of nature to contribute to a clean natural environment and viable wilderness and communities. This focus is implemented in everything we do; from daily details to greater company structures. We are a small team with a co-op business model to create ownership over the tours we offer. We avoid short-term seasonal hires and are comprised of locally established career guides.
No matter how much we care for nature, humans will never stop exploring. So, if you are going to adventure the fjords, isn´t it nice to know your adventure is as local and sustainable as possible?
Ræin started over a cup of coffee in the middle of Norways capital, Oslo. The owners behind the company met as collegues back in 2015 in the Norwegian Trekking Association. For almost 7 years outdoor adventures, guiding and planning, where their daily chores. During their time off Britt focused on longer ski expeditions in the Arctic, while Carl specialized in alpine terrain. Kayak tours and climbing in the surrounding area of Oslo made the great city a bit less urban. Weekend adventures to the mountains happened more and more often, and in 2019 they both brought their partners back home to Sunnmøre on permanent terms. However, none of them wanted to stop working in the outdoors, and [RAEIN] was born; An adventure company delivering adventures on the premises of nature, and giving more back to the surrounding environment than it costs. Despite its establishment in 2020, Ræin is a company with long experience and knowledge within the outdoor travel industry.
CEO and Guide
Britt is the founder of Ræin AS. She is one of the few who was born and raised in Tafjord. For the last 6 years she has worked for DNT Oslo as a hiking guide and responsible coordinator in DNT Fjellsport Oslo. In addition, she works as a guide for Norrøna Hvitserk and as a hunting supervisor in Skjåk Allmenning. Hunting, mountaineering, bouldering and long ski trips are her great passion.
TLF: +47 930 14 845
Guide manager and Guide
If you get a chance to join Carl on a trip, you're in luck! This man is unique in his field. In addition to his expertise in avalanches, climbing and general outdoor life, Carl is a great fellow human being. He has a unique quality that brings out the best in others and is really a guide you want by your side on trips over your own skills and competence. Carl is under education with Nortind as an IFMGA guide and works for the regional avalanche forecast in the winter.
TLF: +47 485 06 002
Paramedic and Guide
With above-average physique and great care, the lifeguard profession and nature experiences around the world were the hobby. In recent years, she has crossed Greenland several times and visited several high mountains all over the world. Although she is often drawn to unknown and great challenges, it is on the way to Sunnmøre that she is most often drawn. Rebecca also guides for Bergans Adventures, and we are very happy and humbled to have her expertise in Ræin.
Freedive-, kayak-, and climbing instructor!
TLF: +47 98 09 42 82
In everything we do, we want to minimize pollution on land and in water and contribute to a cleaner everyday life. We do this by facilitating trips that primarily take place whilst moving by our own machine, focusing on longer stays, and implementing nature conservancy as an important part of our product.
Without local communities with small businesses, we could not have been able to deliver our product. Local communities and small businesses are the very core of the experiences we offer, and in many small towns, they are the heart of the community. One of our main goals is to create vibrant communities, by contributing to increased activity by including local businesses in our product, which in turn leads to increased local value creation.
"What we can not do forever is by definition unsustainable." - David Attenborough. In all the choices and actions we make, we are concerned about whether this is something we can keep up with forever. We think long-term in everything from small purchases to large collaboration agreements. In addition, we are keen to include local youth both through activities and adapted courses. We also need to provide a sustainable working environment for our guides so they can make a living in the long term within our company.
Local landowners have a great responsibility within the management and supervision of nature. For generations, they have acquired local knowledge of the area they currently manage. We in Ræin have a close dialogue with landowners and national park manager in the areas we operate in to preserve and disseminate their expertise in nature values, culture and traditions in an authentic and respectful way.
Our goal is to contribute to the preservation of natural qualities, and to facilitate local value creation. We, therefore, want to operate with small groups to strengthen the communication ability and integration between guests and guides, and to be able to offer a product with minimal impact on biodiversity. The infrastructure in Tafjord is not adapted for a large volume of tourism, and our offer is therefore adjusted thereto.
[Ræin] is concerned with quality experiences at all levels. Our products are therefore neither mass-produced nor calculated for a large quantity. Our experiences must be safe and enjoyable for both guests, guides and wildlife. All our guides have formal competence in their field and are at all times professionally updated. Safety is an important factor in being able to offer exciting, high-quality experiences throughout the year.